Thematic Reviews

Published 12/12/2023   |   Last Updated 22/07/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

Strategic Work Programme

Our strategic work programme, which was agreed in 2022, sets out the our approach for the remainder of the Senedd term. The programme will inform the annual reviews of the Determination as well shaping a new Determination for the Seventh Senedd, set in the context of proposed Senedd Reform.

Strategic Work Programme

The Strategic Work Programme includes five thematic reviews, each coordinated by a lead Board member: 

  • Ways of Working – Sir David Hanson
  • Simplification – Hugh Widdis
  • Staffing Support – Mike Redhouse
  • Support for Political Parties’ Allowance – Jane Roberts
  • Members’ Remuneration and Personal Support – Elizabeth Haywood. 


Ways of Working

This review, led by Sir David Hanson on behalf of the Board, is focused on identifying how Members’ allowances should evolve to accommodate changes to Members’ ways of working, in particular the Office and Constituent Liaison Fund. 

Determination Allowances - Home and Hybrid Working



This review, led by Hugh Widdis on behalf of the Board, is to simplify the Determination and provide flexibility for Members to determine their own priorities with proportionate safeguards, in co-operation with the Senedd Commission.

Find out more here 


Staffing Support

This review, led by Mike Redhouse on behalf of the Board, considers the staffing support requirements of Members of the Senedd.

Phase one of the review consisted of an independent evaluation of the current pay and grading framework for Senedd Support Staff. Following a competitive tendering exercise one of the UK's leading job evaluation and training consultancies, Beamans, were commissioned to gather evidence on the existing pay and grading framework and make recommendations on any changes required.

Beamans conducted the review during October 2023-March 2024 including engagement with a significant number of Members and Support Staff, and submitted its final report at the end of March. The report and the Board's response to the report can be found below.



The Board consulted with Members, Support Staff, trade unions and the Senedd Commission on the Board's preferred model for a new pay and grading framework. The Board will be seeking external expertise to help design and develop the new pay and grading framework for the Seventh Senedd.

Alongside this work the Board will also commence consideration of the Members' Staffing Allowance for the Seventh Senedd, based on Members' staffing support requirements.

Summary of Consultation Responses

Members’ Remuneration and Personal Support

Terms of Reference for Members’ Remuneration and Personal Support