People of the Remuneration Board

Dame Jane Roberts

Dame Jane Roberts

My Senedd Activities

More information and calendar events

Detailed information: Dame Jane Roberts


Jane is Visiting Fellow in Public Leadership at The Open University Business School.

Jane was Leader of the London Borough of Camden Council from 2000 to 2005 following which she has served in a range of non-executive roles including as Chair of the Councillors Commission for the Department of Communities and Local Government, Chair of Parenting UK, a member of the Ofsted board, Chair of New Local Government Network and currently Chair of the charities, Living Streets and Stammering Children.

She is also a member of the Advisory Group of the Welsh Centre for Public Policy. Jane was appointed a DBE in 2004. Professionally, she is a medical doctor and is an Honorary Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with experience of senior healthcare management in the NHS.

Jane has published a number of academic articles in paediatrics, psychiatry and politics. She co-edited ‘The Politics of Attachment’ (1996) with Sebastian Kraemer and is the author of ‘Losing Political Office’ (2017). She was awarded a PhD at The Open University (2021).

Jane has been a member of the Independent Remuneration Board since 2015.


Calendar events: Dame Jane Roberts