is Visiting Fellow in Public Leadership at The Open University Business School.
was Leader of the London Borough of Camden Council from 2000 to 2005 following
which she has served in a range of non-executive roles including as Chair of
the Councillors Commission for the Department of Communities and Local
Government, Chair of Parenting UK, a member of the Ofsted board, Chair of New
Local Government Network and currently Chair of the charities, Living Streets
and Stammering Children.
is also a member of the Advisory Group of the Welsh Centre for Public Policy.
Jane was appointed a DBE in 2004. Professionally, she is a medical doctor and
is an Honorary Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with experience of
senior healthcare management in the NHS.
has published a number of academic articles in paediatrics, psychiatry and
politics. She co-edited ‘The Politics of Attachment’ (1996) with Sebastian
Kraemer and is the author of ‘Losing Political Office’ (2017). She was awarded
a PhD at The Open University (2021).
has been a member of the Independent Remuneration Board since 2015.