
Published 01/11/2010   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

The Independent Remuneration Board of the Senedd is an independent body, set up in 2010, to determine the remuneration and allowances for Members of the Senedd. 

An Independent Review Panel was established in August 2008 by the then National Assembly Commission to look at all aspects of financial support available to Members; including pay and allowances for travel, accommodation, constituency offices and support staff. Following the independent review the Panel reported to the Commission in 2009. The then Assembly Commission accepted all 108 of the Panel’s recommendations, one of which was the establishment of a statutory Independent Review Body, which is independent of the Assembly. 

The subsequent Measure to establish a National Assembly for Wales Remuneration Board (The National Assembly for Wales (Remuneration) Measure 2010) received Royal Approval on 21 July 2010. 

Full details of the Board’s functions and responsibilities are set out in the Government of Wales Act 2006 and the National Assembly for Wales (Remuneration) Measure 2010. 

The Board has responsibility for: 

  • providing Members of the Senedd with a level of remuneration which fairly reflects the complexity and importance of the functions which they are expected to discharge, and does not, on financial grounds, deter persons with the necessary commitment and ability from seeking election to the Senedd; 
  • providing Members of the Senedd with resources which are adequate to enable them to fulfil their functions as Members; 
  • ensuring probity, accountability, value for money and transparency with respect to the expenditure of public funds. 

The Board is required to act in an open and transparent manner, and, where it considers it appropriate, undertake consultation with those likely to be affected by the exercise of its functions.  

The Board’s costs and the expenses claimed by the Board members are published in its annual report 

The agenda and minutes of each of the Board’s formal meetings are available on the Board’s website. 

Board members are appointed by the Senedd Commission and hold office for a fixed term of five years. The current Board began its term of office in September 2020.

The Independent Remuneration Board of the Senedd Governance Principles and guidance on the conduct of business